Saturday, November 21, 2009

the younger folks

"What is the significance of Old Man Warner bringing up the "young folks". What role do young people play in our society?"

Young folks should be pointing the later generation, and not surprisingly, their opinions and point of views will not be the same as the older generation. In the short story "The Lottery", Old Man Warner viewed the young folks as simply uncivilized people, whose ideas were irradical and not worth attention. The old man had once said, "Listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live hat way for a while." This proved his belief in that the young folks are people who could never be satisfied with any situation.

Young folks in our society were completely different, however. They were always at the top of the priority for most of the adults, as they would be responsible for the world in the future. Adults used every chance they could to make the young folks more "civilized", although their intention was positive, most commonly parents still had the tendency to "civilize" the young folks to become the same as them, although the situation were up to a new level and age. The rights of young folks were slowly getting better as years went past. For example, the young folks 300 years ago never had a say when deciding whom they must marry, it was all planned out by the parents, and regarded as a way to improve business or relationship with other families. 50 years ago, young folks choose the person they liked to marry, although the parents still had the final say to decide. Young folks nowadays, not surprisingly, are more wild, and do not listen to their parents (this might not be a "improvement"). Overall, young folks has the key to changing society, and their decisions are becoming more and more independent.

Generation X

What is the significance of Old Man Warner bringing up the "young folks". What role do young people play in our society?

When Old Man Warner brings up the "young folk", it is his way of ridiculing the next burgeoning generation of leaders. I believe he see's them as a threat to his ways of life. He see's them as uneducated and unwisely taught by the older generations. The young people are, admittedly, stopping the lotteries in other towns. This is something that Warner has done in all of his seventy something years. So they are, to a point, changing his lifestyle in lengths that Warner does not approve of. He brings up the younger people to complain about them, to express his frustrations that the world is changing - and he can't do anything to stop it.
This is the role that the "young folk" play in our society. Young people represent change and development. They are the innovators of civilization and the torch bearers for the new. They make things different in the way they want - whether for better or for worse. Young people decide the future of culture, the future of government, the future of family. And even though each generation may look bad at first, there is always hope there. Because no matter how lazy, or stupid, children and teen and adolescents, they all grow into adults. Yes, adults do make mistakes, but adults also learn from mistakes, much better than anyone else. They grow, become mature and wise, and they create a clear path in the uncertain tomorrow. Young people embody hope that the next day will be better than the last.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Largest and Ongoing Role

What is the significance of Old Man Warner bringing up the "young folks". What role do young people play in our society?

Through Old Man Warner’s eyes, the young folks represent the new changes within society that he dislikes. He is accustomed to his own traditions that he grew up with, and therefore, he is threatened by change. The young folks are the future of society, and with them comes the breaking of tradition, and therefore, the frightening uncertainty of the future.

The young people play a colossal role in our society. We are the people who will make or break everything, for everything we do greatly impacts the present and the future. A typical stereotype of young people is that they are lazy, unappealing, underachievers who don’t do anything to make a difference in life. However, this is completely untrue. If anything, we are the people who make the most difference in life and in our society, especially with all the freedom we have. We are hopes and dreams just waiting to happen. We are the ones with our whole lives ahead of us, so if we want to make changes in our lifetime, we can. We are people who can break tradition if we believe it is wrong and improve it, or even make our own, which we constantly do everyday. Through school and life, we have learnt about mistakes past generations have made, and we learn from them to improve things in life. Of course, we have made mistakes, and will continue to do so because it is inevitable, but because of some of our mistakes, some older generations view us as unworthy of all that we have, and that we are not on the same pedestal as them. However, we should not be defined by these mistakes, and we should be trusted that we can do well in life. It has been shown that all it takes is one person to change the world. However, instead, it is one generation that can change the world, and it is ours. We have a mind set that we can do anything if we want to, so if we apply that to everything beneficial we do in life, and for society, something amazing will happen. Also, we not only play a substantial role for society now, and in the future by what we do, but also by who we are as people. What we do and who we are affect future generations of people as well. Therefore, if we have a positive role in society and in life in our lifetime, the next generations will hold onto that, and "pass it on" to their future generations of people. Thus, we really do have the largest role in our society and in life presently, and in the future.
The Change in the Future?

The significance of Old Man Warner bringing up the "young folks" is saying the future will be decided by the next generation (young folks). Old Man Warner knows it is the younger ones that will choose whether to keep old traditions, or get rid of the old ones and bring up new ones. Adults have different views of what is best for our society, so in Old Man Warner's eyes it is not a good idea to think of giving up the tradition of "The Lottery." He has been around for a longer time than all the others, so he has a better view of what the tradition is all about, so he tries to warn others of what will happen if the lottery is diminished. However, because its the younger generation that will shape the future they will act upon their own views and make the future the way they want. The views of the young can still be influenced by the adults, since we soak up any information given towards us. But the young are able to see the mistakes in which the adults are blind to see, because it is their own views so they will think their way of looking at things is correct and defend it. That is one of the better qualities the younger ones have that adults are usually clueless to notice. We as the next generation have a duty to help our world to advance rather than ignoring the faults and not fixing them. The young have a lot to learn from the adults but they have a lot to learn from us as well. The concerns of Warner are important as well and should not be ignored. Adolescents have a tendency to be easily persuaded and influenced to do certain actions and can be brainwashed into thinking a certain way. For example, teens today are smoking, drinking and doing drugs more often, mostly due to peer pressure from peers and the desire to fit in. However, sometimes adults have to trust us that we will help push the society forward and even though we make mistakes we will fix them in time. Just like in the northern village, that Mr.Adams said the young are talking about giving up the lottery, the one individual who thought of that is one of the many that will help our society grow. That one person was able to see the fault of the older generation, and found the tradition to be unreasonable and useless, since it only creates death. But even though we should think for ourselves, we still need the older generation to guide us along the way to adulthood and teach us what is right from wrong. Until we are shown we can be trusted, restrictions are put up around us to prevent us from doing actions that will hurt us, because not all of us are the best people to trust, at least not yet. That is why Old Man Warner does not trust the young. Until then, we must lean on each other and listen to what everyone has to say and decide together what the future should be. The young advance the society and the old prevents it from getting worse, we still have a lot to learn from each other, both adults and kids and must keep on moving forward.

The Future Generations

Young people have a lot to give to society, both in the present and in the future. In the present, young people are everywhere. They are on beaches and forest cleaning up the environment and also in the community helping and volunteering to make society better. They can even help out the previous generations by going to retirement homes to help out. However, it is in the future where young people play a huge role in helping move society forward. They are the next generations of doctors, lawyers, scientists, teachers, business people, police, firefighters and many other things. They are the ones that may find a cure for cancer or a way to stop global warming in the future. They are the ones that help run cities and towns for the years to come. Without them, society will cease to continue or move forward. Young people learn from the mistakes that previous generations have made to prevent the same mistake from happening and to also improve society. When Old Man Warner said that young people were a "pack of crazy fools", it was just because he did not understand how the new generation thinks. He only believes in what his own generation thinks and does not understand how everything around him is changing. What he does not know is that maybe when he was a young teenager, adults used to say the same thing about him. If everybody in the world was like Old Man Warner, then the world will not progress because everyone will not change. They will do everything exactly like their ancestors so there will be no improvement to society or any aspect of life. Society is like a car and young people are the fuel that powers it to make it go forward. Like a car with no gas, a society without young people will not move forward. It will only stay in one place.

Monday, November 16, 2009

To comment on the comments…

Hello my lovelies.

Thank you for being so active on your class blogs. The discussions are great to see!

It has been brought to my attention that some people feel like the comments are a bit “harsh”.

I have now read through almost all of the comments, and I appreciate the connections you are making to each others’ posts, world events, other literature, and life in general. It’s great to read your opinions! I truly enjoy it.

This is probably one of the first times you’ve had to “publish” formal writing in a public forum, so remember it can be scary for some of your peers. Be careful that you do not attack others' views in a negative way. It’s great to have differing opinions, that’s what makes our world interesting! But present a different opinion in a way that invites discussion, rather than silencing people.

Some language that may help you to comment more positively –

“I understand what you are saying, but have you thought of this?”

“Good points, but I disagree with some things you’ve said”

“Your post got me thinking… what about this?”

On the other hand, if your post is commented on, feel privileged. You have started an intellectual discussion! If someone disagrees with what you have said, stand up for what you believe in, and keep arguing your own points! This will help you make your points clear, focused and well argued. Take the time to reflect on what is being said – you may want to edit your post after you hear from your peers. I do not mark them until the due date, so you have time to go back and make sure your thoughts are in order.

Keep commenting! It’s great.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Right Track

What is the significance of Old Man Warner bringing up the "young folks". What role do young people play in our society?

Although it may seem like young people don’t play much of a role in the society today, they will in the future. This is why in the short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, old man Warner mentioned young folks. He brought them up because he saw the importance of their existence in the society. The old man might be wrong about how his society doesn't need changes, but his concept on the significance of young folks is correct. Whatever is done now is what young people will learn from, and that is why he was trying to be a good role model.

Old man Warner understood the importance of young people in the society, but he dealt with it in the wrong way. Like a typical parent, old man Warner pushed his expectations on young people. Setting a good example and leading the young generation on the right track is necessary, but the impact of elders on children only goes so far. At some point, children needs to learn to go on with life on their own, and eventually they will start to have their own opinion. They take the old concept, add new ideas to it, and then they reproduce a whole new society. The more the elders restrain young people from expanding their ideal world, the greater the violence would be when they finally demand revolution. People now lay out a train track for the younger generation to follow, but the younger generation is building their own at the same time. Ultimately, the one that will end up having to make the decisions are the young people, so pushing expectations on young people the way old man Warner did is not the best approach to making a better future.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow

Old Man Warner knows only of his time, and fails to understand the developing world around him. He views new ideas as absurd and sees young people as senseless beings. Old Man Warner rejects the ideas of newer generations because he believes they are incapable of making decisions and therefore, should not have a say in significant affairs. He prefers that important matters be left in the hands of the experienced and mature elder citizens. However, young people and their contributions are crucial in the development of society. If new ideas are not taken in to consideration, our society will live following a continuous pattern preventing all from developing and flourishing. The young are the owners of fresh new minds which offer an innovative approach and perspective on matters. The opinions of the young should always be taken in to consideration because they often have the best understanding of the current world. Their opinions enable us to put new ideas in to play and allow society to grow and prosper. Learning opportunities should always be given to the young in order to prepare them to run the world tomorrow.

Young people are the foundation of our future, the root of it, and the core. If today’s young are instilled with good values, those values will reflect in their approach of running the world tomorrow. As well, the young should be given the opportunity to learn lessons through means of people, events, and mistakes. Their ability to both learn from and to apply these lessons will supplement a prosperous future. However, if the youth of today are not instilled with good values and lessons it will negatively reflect in times to come. If the youth of today are unable to learn lessons and apply them to life, the foundation of our future will not be very stable nor will its roots be able to emerge. Therefore, in order to form a secure foundation for the future, the learning and engaging of youth in important matters should always be encouraged.