Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chopsticks to Go

Nowadays, everyone who eats outside, at a Chinese food court for example, will use disposable chopsticks because they are always provided and nobody ever thinks twice before using it. However, studies show that in China, about 45 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks are thrown out every year. Just to clarify how much this is affecting the environment, 45 billion chopsticks are equal to about 25 million fully grown trees! I would buy these portable chopsticks because not only are they Eco-friendly, they are also healthier to eat with. Disposable chopsticks, the very white wooden ones, have been found with sulphur dioxide on them, which the companies use to bleach the disposable chopsticks. While there is a chance of getting sick by using the disposable ones, using the portable ones are not only hygienic, but also very easy, and stylish, to carry around! Everyone these days are told to recycle unused and old pieces of paper, yet wooden chopsticks are thrown out everyday! Buying these portable chopsticks would be the same idea as recycling paper (I think)! So I would buy, and carry, these chopsticks to not only save the environment, but also to lessen my chances to get sick as well.

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