Sunday, October 25, 2009

Reply to the First Blog Question

Young folks in our society are the ones who bring changes to it. It can be in the form of scientific discovery or something as unimportant as a way to speak. Influence of the younger generation is often vital to a society's survival as a society without dynamics is well, one that lacks constant vigilance to the fore coming disasters of the world we are in. Every rule is made to be broken and every law is made to be shattered. Old customs are always subjected to changes whether it is necessary or not. Some changes are so dramatic that the entire culture is washed clean of its existence.

Certain traits are often preserved in each generation of change due to its importance to the society. For example, the stoning of the lottery winner from The Lottery is something that we have in our society but just in a slightly mutated version. It is called hazing. The purpose of hazing is not to punish someone for their bad luck, but to connect people together. "Only hardship can allow sweet fruits to be harvested." Serfs said that 600 years ago and they have sour and rotten apples. Anything that one fought for and won, is valued more than its actual value.

Lincoln said that "give (him) freedom or give (him) death" after he won the presidential seat and abolished slavery. However, the Africans right now in Africa will happily trade freedom for some food that they have to struggle to get a few crumbs of. Hazing allows people to value each other more, and to be grateful of the society as whole more. Some of the customs such as hazing were so strongly supported that so far, very few of them are abolished. Even most of those who survived through the hazing process supports it. I had once read a documentary about hazing a while back. In it, a father sent 3 of his loving sons to a freezing chamber and you don't want to know the rest of the story. In the end, one of them ended up in hospital for a surgery. The father actually cried and said that "it was necessary."

It is not to say that hazing is something that we should keep, but it is one of the few ancient methods that hold us together even today. Camp Squamish is actually, in my opinion that is, a minor version of hazing. We all have a miserable experience which binds us together since we complain together and trust each other more. In a more precise way of speaking, hazing is not all that bad.

I agree that no society is perfect and therefore all parts of our society are subjected to constant re-evaluation. For example, Kennedy won the national debate against Bush about invading Iraq, but he still lost the presidential seat because he did not support the war.

Regardless of the how absurd and bizarre is the nature of politics, Bush is able to win with 90% support which means that less than 10% support Kennedy even though the general public agree that Kennedy is far more logical than Bush. This proves that our society does not really value logic as much as emotion or perhaps even belief. Our society are filled with flaws as almost anything else in this world. Therefore, all of our society are subjected to change and every change must be debatable as no one side can be completely right or wrong. As each generation is to replace the worn out cover and brings forth change, the change itself can be questioned but only no right answer can be given.

By : Jisong


  1. Isn't it a bit long?
    Quote "Minimum of ONE paragraph, maximum of TWO."

  2. I thought it was one paragraph...To bad that I never knew I can write that much in 12 minutes...
    I always assumed that I write at 1 sentence per minute speed... I guess my speedometer is destroyed by the eagerness to discuss this topic.
    I apologize for any misunderstandings.

  3. dude most of ur sentences dosent make sense
    no offence though, u still put a lota work into it :D

  4. Yes they do, I actually read over it after I published it...

  5. far Jim and I are the only two people to have posted...

  6. I have to agree with JumpOffACliff.

  7. You guys should stop double posting

  8. Sotes is definitely Helen...My eye still hurts...

  9. Wait..may is Helen...u have to be Tina

  10. Hmm forget it...Tina is anonymous...u are Timothy...

  11. Nice to hear that your eye still hurts Ji song. in my defense, you were and have been practically begging me to smack you by being such a smart alec, and it certainly isn't my fault that you decided to test out your slow reflexes and move so that my hand touched your glasses.

  12. Hey! I am getting an eye surgery next week to remove the aqueous fluid that some how escaped my eye ball mysteriously. Good that my lense is not damaged, and other than some minor swelling and headache I am good to go. Say whatever you want about slow reflexes, but right now my reflexes are slower than a snail.

  13. Again, I can not trust a working clinic...Just hope that I don't die next week. By the way, I did not ask to be punched. I was proving to you that math is every where. Appearantly u were very offended by the mere thought of having math in real life and decided to give me an black eye. Good that I am wearing glasses because most of the force is distributed more evenly. Even then, the impact apparently still have some minor side effects which I did not expect. Oh well, cya, I need some time to rest..

  14. Stop being melodramatic, you will not die next week. And I'm not offended by any concept so insignificant as the existence of math in real life. When math is in real life it is actually enjoyable. When it asks me how many jars of peanuts I would buy in comparison to bags of chips, it's simply ludicrous.

  15. I don't know anyone who would buy only bags of chips and jars of peanuts with 60$.

  16. Hey! U punch me in the face during a heated discussion of math in real life. I pissed u off so horribly...watever...I hope u realize that u are only suppose attack someone's eyes in self defence. It takes less than the same effort to kill a fly to fatally injure someone. Therefore, in theory, I can die. However, BECAUSE u did that, u are now offically on my list of people to bug. If it makes u feel anywhere better, because u are so insignificant, U are at the back of the list. It will obviously make ur life easier but then Oliver is the first person on the list... For swearing at me for 15 minutes without stopping and filled my MSN history page with words that start with the letter F.

  17. Oh wow, I'm so scared. And I believe I already reviewed the fact that my hand would have been no where near your eyes if you hadn't moved. And I appreciate your comment about my insignificance and am glad to know that I irritated you enough to make you wish to irritate me, because that shows I hold a certain degree of power over you, whilst you hold none over me.

  18. I don't care. Happy Halloween. I can not get mad at anyone today.

  19. Why is the argument above irrelevent to the blog?

  20. Please try to keep your comments on topic!

    I am sorry that you feel Camp Squamish is comparable to hazing... However, your argument has failed to persuade me to see you view point ;)

  21. Hmmm, assuming Team Building requires hazing, and hazing is considered as any form of mental or physical strain...Physical strains from Camp Squarmish includes CAN NOT SLEEP UNTIL 1 BECAUSE PEOPLE UP STAIR ARE TALKING ABOUT PORN and SOMEONE WAS SNORING LIKE A MOTOR BIKE AT 4 IN THE MORNING...

  22. If you were there, you will know...Kevin snores like a pig.
