Monday, January 18, 2010

Poetry Contest!

Again, congrats to Jisong for entering and winning the Creative Communication Poetry contest!

I would like all of you to enter the next one. Since you have all just written wonderful poems, it will be easy! Check it out here


  1. Any other kinds of creative writing contests out there?

  2. I am entering an essay contest in March...

  3. Anyways...if there are more than 5 students getting published from English 10, Ms Barley will get a free book...

  4. In response to Sotes' question: there are tons of other creative writing contests out there. A lot of short story ones and quite a few memoir competitions.
    Jisong, essays aren't really creative writing, not if you're writing a real essay .

  5. By the way, are we allowed to create posts when there isn't a topic? Cause, it takes so long for another topic to appear.

  6. Hmmm. I wonder, I'd certainly like to, but I don't know how Miss Barley would feel about it. Have you asked her? I've just been posting on my personal blog, but most of what I write isn't worth reading.

  7. Not"The anthropology," the Anthology.

  8. Because I am not going to make a new post.

  9. And because I forgot that, I made a new post...
