Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cut, chip, chop

As a matter of fact I am fully aware of the governmental cuts on Richmond School District. According to a reliable source, the government has already sliced off 4-9 million dollars last year from District 38, and at the same time terminated most special priviledges public schools used to enjoy (e.g: partial compensation for field trips). At the moment, the ministry itself is under-staffed and most adminstrators have to learn how to multi-task. Due this sudden drop in working efficiency of the ministry, we have to cope with unreliable course selection programs as well as the crude online marking systems and attendance systems. For me, I have to select PE 10 for my grade 11 year simply because not enough spaces are available!!!

The governmental control over our education is quite disturbing. Even though we are suppose to be a democratic society, direct interactions between politics and education will spread bias.  It is vital for us to know that what we have learned in schools are subjected to bias. This can keep ourselves more open-minded for new ideas and changes. For instance, the constant spreading propagandas about global warming is actually biased. There is no definite proof that global warming is happening. However, the government believes "it is better late than to be sorry" and preach us with its own ideas. Such powerful influence is the reason why most of the students at our age believe in Global Warming but not knowing why.

At the end of the day, we are regarded as children. We have no say in our lives or what so ever. Any political statement are not made by us but by our parents. In short, our influence on what is around us is minimal. We can not experience life simply because we have not learned enough life experiences. This paradox is what will guard us and it will guard us always.


  1. There might be a few spelling errors and grammatic mistakes, but since I can change it any time, I didnt bother to proof read. List any correction please!

  2. Haha , well then I'm quite sure "administrator" is spelled with an " O " rather than an " E ".

  3. Ms Barley: "Please have ONE well organized paragraph."

    Somebody's not reading the instructions :D

  4. I can just take away the spaces and call it one paragraph...

  5. If you take away the spaces everyone else will call it unreadable. Not that many of us were going to read it in the first place. The topic is rather... meh. I mean, the budget is old news, right?

  6. I totally agree, and on that note, I think that teens(kids) should have a say in their own education, mind you, nothing about how things are taught, but when things are taught and what they can take, us teens need to rise up and take power, we need to have representatives in the government,
    This is our land as much as it is the grown ups, and so on and so forth...
    ;) ;P

  7. Thanks for the comment...

    WHO ARE YOU???
